At the Lyrick Theatre in Assisi the comedian from Bologna shakes up Italian grammar with a monologue that mixes humor and social criticism. “Arrivano i Dunque” is a work that enriches the mind and spirit. It is also an intellectual and emotional journey that stimulates reflection, lifts the soul, and leaves a feeling of hope: a call to our ability to reinvent the world. To encourage the West (in italian “occidente”) not to be the “Killer.” (in italian “uccidente”) To defuse slogans like “Italians first,” which turn us into a “people of premature ejaculators.” We reflect, through jokes and jests, on issues such as emigration and hospitality, death, war, and the inhumane condition of prisoners. Without renouncing revolt, which begins with flipping our coats. Aiming for an “unbellic” future, which starts when we learn to “split our sides” with laughter.
from 21:15