Engravings for the Canticle

02/03/2025 – 29/06/2025


On the occasion of the Centenary of the Canticle of the Creatures, the artists of the Gallery of the Cantico have created 9 commemorative prints of the Canticle of the Creatures.

These are nine engravings, one for each stanza of the Canticle, which will be exhibited in 2025 in the gallery spaces and will be gifted to visitors in a special folder. This folder was presented in advance during the opening of the Centenary to the six general ministers of the Franciscan families, to the vice-mayor of Assisi, Valter Stoppini, to the bishop of Assisi, and to the president of the Umbria region, Stefania Proietti.

The works were created by engravers who are part of the Franciscan “Cantico delle Creature” Gallery, established in 1964, with the aim of illustrating the famous Franciscan poem through drawings.

In particular, Caterina Cimminella depicted “Fratello Sole” Ennio Boccacci “frate foco” Serena Cavallini “sora nostra madre terra” Giuseppe Lo Russo “sora acqua” Rolando Dominici “sora luna” Antonella Parlani “frate vento” Maria Teresa Romitelli “le stelle” Lorenzo Zangheri “il perdono” and Laura Bacchi “sora nostra morte corporale”

We look forward to welcoming you to San Damiano to admire them!

Assisi Map


Santuario di San Damiano
Via San Damiano, 7, 06081 Assisi PG


from 11:00


Comune di Assisi

piazza del Comune, 06081, Assisi (PG)