Van Gogh Cafè Opera Musical



“Van Gogh Café Opera Musical” is a theatrical play set in a Parisian café chantant, where the music of a live orchestra, the singing of an exceptional cast, and the dance of the ballet company come to life and gain color, enhanced by thrilling 3D projections that make Vincent’s works come alive and wonderfully immersive. In the vibrant city of Paris, artists, writers, and scholars gather inside cafés that, once simple establishments for serving drinks, transform into centers of cultural ferment frequented by prominent intellectuals and artists of the time. “Van Gogh Café Opera Musical” is a show deeply infused with the restless, nostalgic, and incurably solitary soul of Vincent, but it is also filled with hope and desire, molded in the same color as its creator.

Assisi Map


Teatro Lyrick
Viale Gabriele D'Annunzio, 06081 Santa Maria degli Angeli PG


from 21:15


Teatro Lyrick

Viale Gabriele D'Annunzio, 06081 Santa Maria degli Angeli PG